Saya no uta game length
Saya no uta game length

This visual novel is literally about a man who one day has a normal life until he gets into a car accident that kills his entire family and damages his sense of vision. Saya no Uta is not very subtle in regards to this theme. People often experience different events that cause them to withdraw from mainstream society and to instead retreat into their own smaller and more gated communities. None of us are truly “normal” in every way yet we all have our own way of filtering out normies who don’t understand us. It is debatable whether any person alive truly fits the overly saccharine and idealized “normal” stereotype to an absolute Tee, but most of us have no way of telling this. Most of who are reading this likely don’t work a 9 to 5 job on weekdays and go to the club on Friday nights. Rather most of us use it because we just don’t fit in with normal well adjusted society. I mostly used it facetiously but that may have just been a cover. I’ve talked in the past about the fairly popular use of the term “normie” online. I know that there is a lot of ugliness beneath the surface and there are times where I witnessed it first hand. I know that the world is not a happy and cheerful place where the good guy always wins. I think the biggest reason why I am fixated on these stories is largely due to my own depression over the years.

saya no uta game length

There is something uniquely compelling about those that are not afraid to show the ugly side of life and the human experience. I have always had a fascination with the most black, depressing, and macabre forms of media out there. Despite this, I would advise similar caution before playing this game as I would with Euphoria as it is NOT for the faint of heart.ĬW: Violence, Gore, Rape, Pedophilia, Cannibalism, Suicide, Ableism. There are some graphic and disturbing scenes in Saya no Uta, but I would classify it more as a psychological horror story than a nukige. While Saya no Uta is an eroge with some dark content, I would not place it in the same category of sex focused eroge as Euphoria or Starless. Just to give people a heads up, Saya no Uta is a dark game with some disturbing themes and subject matter. Saya no Uta is a game about these differences a game about how we are all different, and how we are not so different. We all have different backgrounds, different experiences, and different belief sets that determine just how we see the universe, the people, and the experiences around us.

saya no uta game length saya no uta game length

We judge our comfort with other people based on how similar they are to ourselves and we distrust those who have fundamental differences in how we view the world. In an ideal world this would be the case, but in reality we are often divided and thus alone. How many of us have looked at another person and thought “this person is seriously fucked up?” One would assume that us all being human would mean we have a single common thread that unites us that all of us can relate to and feel comfortable living among each other.

Saya no uta game length